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Why a Blueprint for Service Delivery? 

Why a Blueprint for Service Delivery? 

March 2023

In Alberta there is no cross-sectoral standard approach or blueprint for the provision of services to those escaping domestic violence and abuse. A standardized approach to service delivery should include risk assessment, safety planning and solution-focused case management. It would also be informed by evidence-informed models including client centered care, trauma-informed services, and culturally appropriate services. The blueprint will work to improve communication and collaboration amongst the service providers. A key component to achieving this goal is improving communication and collaboration amongst the service providers.   

Drawing on ACWS’ previous research project and report, Safety from Domestic Violence: Inventory of Promising Practices in Alberta1, the Blueprint Project incorporates several thematic areas to inform the development of a blueprint for service delivery.  Promising Practices that have been drawn from the Inventory, include 1) Standardized Risk Assessment2, 2) Cross-Sectoral Collaboration3, 3) Intersectional Policies and Service Provision4 and 4) Wrap-around, Supportive Responses for Clients Experiencing Violence56 

Together, we are developing a Blueprint for assessment and ongoing case management processes to improve client safety, support empowerment, and enhance the delivery of client-centred services by community partners based on promising practices identified by community organizations.  Through these identified promising practices, the Blueprint Project partners believe that multiple agencies working together towards a common goal: to build safety, resiliency and respect for clients experiencing domestic violence will result in better outcomes for clients and the community as a whole. 

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