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Managing Change with the KUBA Model

Blueprint Project Update – May 2022

As there is currently no standard blueprint or process for risk assessment, safety planning and solution-focused case management in Alberta, the Blueprint Project seeks to transform the ways we work together and how we serve and support clients who have experienced domestic violence from diverse and intersectional backgrounds. Through the Blueprint Project, communities will learn and work together to enhance wrap-around support responses, encourage cross-sectoral collaboration, standardize risk assessment tools, and develop intersectional policies and services, to improve outcomes and safety for survivors of domestic violence.  

Recognizing that with change comes natural fears, frontline staff of member agencies involved in the Blueprint Project are journeying through a change management process to both guide and support the implementation of complex change. Throughout this process, staff are engaging with the KUBA®Change Commitment Model, which is a strategy to help build commitment to and inspire change. Walking participants through what they need to know about the Project, helps them to better understand how it will impact them and their clients. Having this knowledge and understanding allows them to believe in the value the Project provides to them, their clients, and their sector, while also learning what to do (action) to be successful for their clients, their agency, the Project and for themselves, while ensuring there are accountabilities in place. 

Managing change can be uncomfortable, overwhelming, and even bring about feelings of uncertainty as we move outside of our comfort zones, but change management looks at the human side of change, finding ways to both let go of the old world while also embracing the chaos in between and slowly transitioning into the new world. By providing the appropriate and necessary resources, skills, and tools, ACWS hopes to foster, support, and sustain transformational change for clients and communities. 

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