In Alberta, domestic abuse survivors consistently report that the legal system is one of the most significant barriers to their healing journeys. The legal system has not been designed for survivors and those who access it must often navigate a minefield of judges and lawyers who do not understand the realities of domestic violence. Furthermore, the legal procedures often protect their abusers while exposing survivors to further harm. In 2023, the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters partnered with survivors from across Alberta to better understand the experience of navigating the legal system in cases of domestic violence and abuse. In this documentary, seven survivors share their experiences of the legal system and what they wish judges, lawyers, and the public knew about domestic abuse. Survivors Speak Screening Request Are you wanting to host a screening of our documentary, Survivors Speak, with your organization or workplace? Please fill out this form and we will reach out to you. Please note a screening of Survivors Speak may be subject to a fee. Name(Required) First Last OrganizationEmail(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Phone Number(Required)Date of Screening Event(Required)Please indicate the date(s) you are planning on organizing a screening event. Location of Screening Event(Required)Description of Event(Required)Please provide some details on the event (e.g. private or public event, who will be in attendance, is this a fundraising event, etc.) Δ