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The Domestic Violence Epidemic: Three Femicides in the Last 72 Hours of 2024


January 7, 2025 – On Sunday, December 29, 2024, Albertans heard of the devastating loss of Ania Wardzala-Kaminski and her father, Stanislaw Wardzala, killed in an act of domestic violence in Calgary, an act that was mirrored across the country in Halifax, Nova Scotia two days later with the deaths of Cora-Lee Smith and her father, Bradford Downey. On December 30, 2024, Ashley Burke was found dead in west Edmonton in another act of femicide and domestic violence. These tragedies follow the death and femicide of Nicsy Arboleda Rodriguez on Christmas Eve in Saint John, New Brunswick. The Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS) is deeply saddened by the loss of these and so many other lives in 2024 as a result of femicide and domestic violence, and our hearts go out to the loved ones of the victims.  

These violent acts are not isolated incidents, they are reflections of the increasing rates of domestic violence and femicide occurring in Alberta and throughout Canada. In Canada, a woman is killed by a former or current intimate partner every 4.2 days. In 2024, domestic violence has replaced catalytic converter theft as the highest call for services for the Edmonton Police Service. These four femicides occurring over the holidays, three within the last 72 hours of 2024, highlight the immense loss of life and devastating impact on communities the epidemic of domestic violence has in this province and this country. There is an immediate need for change to ensure that these extreme acts of violence are no longer a commonality.  

It may be difficult to hear about these tragedies, to read these numbers, and not feel like these acts of violence and femicide are an inevitability. But we at ACWS know that there is hope for a future free from violence and abuse, and domestic violence can be prevented if we come together as a community and as a province. Shelters across Alberta are doing amazing work with limited funding and resources to not only support survivors of domestic violence and their children, but to prevent future violence. Programs like ACWS’ Leading Change are working to change the underlying norms and attitudes that perpetuate violence and engage men and boys in preventing domestic violence.  

People who want to help be a part of the solution are encouraged to donate to their local shelters and organizations working to end domestic violence. They can also participate in educational opportunities focused on how to prevent and identify domestic violence, and how to support those experiencing it. Domestic violence impacts everyone, it is an epidemic that plagues our communities, and everyone has a role to play in ending it. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or has experienced domestic violence in the past, shelters are here to support you. Call 1-866-331-3933 or go to acws.ca/shelters to find a shelter near you.  


For Media Inquiries: 

Email – voice@acws.ca  

About ACWS

ACWS is the provincial network organization of domestic violence shelters in Alberta. We bring over four decades of experience and knowledge to serve our 41 members operating over 50 shelters across the province for women, their children, and seniors facing domestic abuse. We advocate for ACWS members and work with them to end domestic violence through culture-shifting violence prevention programs, collective data and research, and front-line training. With support from ACWS, Alberta shelters are helping to provide safety, support families, and improve communities.