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ACWS Workforce Survey Release

Survivors Deserve Better. Shelters Deserve Better. Alberta Deserves Better.

The 2021-22 ACWS Domestic Violence Shelter Workforce Survey 

ACWS and our members recognize the need for a skilled, well-supported, and professional workforce to effectively serve the needs of people fleeing domestic violence and abuse. In the past year, shelters have seen increasing numbers of survivors reaching out for help and increasingly severe and complex cases. They are navigating this surge in demand in the midst of record-breaking inflation, alltime highs in staff burnout and turnover rates, and stagnant government funding.

Shelters deserve better. Survivors deserve better. Alberta deserves better. This report details the systemic workforce challenges shelters are required to navigate, and it tells the story of the brave and dedicated people who continue to work on behalf of survivors even in the face of tremendous obstacles.
Read the Full Workforce Survey