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Integrate Practice Frameworks

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Why take this module?

Module 1: Integrate Practice Frameworks is designed to help Case Managers better integrate key frameworks into their everyday practice and take a responsive and survivor-centered approach to case management.

In this module, participants will:

  • Recognize survivors’ diverse experiences and how these shape their needs
  • Address intersecting forms of oppression and its impact on case management
  • Promote safety for themselves, survivors, colleagues, and the broader community
  • Provide tailored, responsive support that respects survivors’ autonomy and choices
  • Practice self-reflection and offer supportive feedback to improve their own practice outcomes

How long is the module?

Module 1: Integrate Practice Frameworks is expected to take approximately 30 minutes. You will be able to claim your certificate of completion once you complete all required learning activities.

Reminder: If you haven’t already taken Module 0: Get Ready to Learn, we strongly recommend starting with it. This module will help you get familiar with the types of activities in this learning experience, reflect on the importance of ongoing professional development, set your personal learning goals, and strategize how to engage effectively.

Promotional codes are available for ACWS members and partners. Please contact your ACWS representative before enrolling.