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Leading Change™ at Work: Addressing Domestic Violence

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How safe is your workplace?

Have you overlooked a common workplace hazard? Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act identifies domestic violence as a workplace hazard. In a recent survey, 25% of Alberta workers reported experiencing the effects of domestic violence at work and 78% wanted organizations to do more to address domestic violence. More than half of people experiencing domestic violence face attacks from their abusers while at work. Colleagues are often aware of relationship violence their co-workers are experiencing but lack the needed information and skills to help provide support. In some cases, employers have faced multimillion-dollar lawsuits for failing to keep an employee safe from domestic violence while at work. (View Brochure).

Why take this training?

Domestic violence doesn’t end when work begins. This 120-minute, self-directed course will help you better understand the scope of domestic violence and how it can show up in the workplace. You’ll be able to recognize the common signs of domestic violence in the workplace and learn about your obligations under Occupational Health & Safety legislation to help foster safety for everyone at work.

Access the Competency Framework


“My daughter had been in an unhealthy relationship for months. Because of what I learned in this course, I was able to: identify specific examples of what concerned me about her relationship, including instances of emotional abuse and gaslighting; help her understand the potential consequences of her decision to either continue or end the relationship; ask non-judgmental questions to help her better understand her situation; express concern without perpetuating victim-blaming attitudes towards her; and empower her to make her own decision to continue or end the relationship while letting her know that I would respect whatever decision she chose to make. This course has made me a better mom and has paved the way for me to support my daughter to have healthy relationships at her young age. Thank you again.” [Feedback from a course participant.]

What is the cost?

The course is $25 for the general public.
ACWS Members, partners, and Women Building Futures Employers of Choice,  please contact your ACWS representative for a promo code.

Tips for success

  • This course uses video and audio! Make sure your audio is on. You can use a mobile (phone/tablet/laptop) or desktop device to complete this course. 
  • There are short quizzes throughout and at the end of the course. To successfully complete this course, you will need to obtain 75% or higher on all 4 quizzes.

Module Breakdown

Trigger warning

This course contains sensitive topics. You can take a break at any time and come back to finish the course later. If you need support, please consult this list of resources.


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