Structures & Policies Start QuizPage 1 of 3 Which statement best describes your team's Human Resources (HR) policies? My team has an HR policy (e.g. non-discrimination policy, code of conduct, etc.) in place that meets provincial standards by including gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. My perception is that this inclusion is mostly a formality and/or done to avoid reproach. My team’s HR policy (e.g. non-discrimination policy, code of conduct, etc.) meets the provincial standards regarding gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. These policies are referenced in staff and volunteer onboarding and are made available to clients upon request. My team’s HR policy (e.g. non-discrimination policy, code of conduct, etc.) explicitly include gender identity, gender expression, as well as sexual orientation and express a zero-tolerance policy. These policies are actively promoted throughout the agency's physical space & operations including onboarding and admissions. They set clear guidelines for conduct & highlight complaint &/or conflict resolution options available to staff & clients. Page 2 of 3 Pick the statement that best describes your team. My team’s policies are in place with little client or staff engagement or feedback. My team is open to integrating feedback from clients and team members regarding existing policies. Clients and staff have meaningfully established pathways to provide relevant team members with feedback on policies and Bill of Rights. Policies are regularly revisited to ensure responsiveness to client and staff needs as well as integration of marginalized perspectives. Page 3 of 3 My team has policies that have been designed to consider the needs of 2SLGBTQ+ staff in regard to: Leave, Health insurance and other benefits, Confidentiality, Required competencies, Grievances and complaints Agree Disagree/Unsure Unsure/Don't Know Ready to send