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Shedding Light on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: Take the Quiz and Join the Conversation

As part of Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Alberta, the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters has launched an online quiz about intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV). “What do you Know?”: Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Awareness for Service Providers will be available online until July 15, 2024.  

According to recent estimates, a staggering 1.8 million Albertans have experienced sexual abuse in their lifetimes, with a significant number of those identifying their intimate partner or ex-partner as the perpetrator of this violence.  

Despite its prevalence and the grave risks it poses, IPSV can be difficult to recognize–by both those experiencing it as well as those they may look to for support. IPSV has many unique and nuanced characteristics, and, as a result, it is often deeply misunderstood–and under-served.  

Societal norms and cultural attitudes about relationships can perpetuate the false belief that non-consensual sexual acts with an intimate partner aren’t “real” rape or sexual abuse. Consent becomes blurred in the broader context of an intimate relationship, and can lead people to downplaying or dismissing it as a private matter. Myths such as these mean that people who are experiencing IPSV can often have difficulty recognizing or acknowledging what’s happening to them as abuse. In some cases, those experiencing sexual violence in their intimate relationships may also be reluctant to come forward because they may fear legal consequences for their intimate partner.  

“What do you Know?”: Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Awareness for Service Providers serves partly as an educational tool, providing participants with the opportunity to test their knowledge on IPSV, and to determine where there may be gaps in the ways they or their sectors understand and respond to IPSV. Ultimately, the quiz is intended to inform the development of an in-depth professional training course for service providers on IPSV, intended to increase their knowledge and confidence in responding to intimate partner sexual violence.  

Take the quiz today. Your participation will provide valuable insights that will help ACWS tailor their training programs to better meet the needs of those experiencing or recovering from IPSV and service providers alike. 

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Government of Alberta Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women. To be notified about the upcoming training on intimate partner sexual violence and other ACWS events, sign up for ACWS’ newsletter at acws.ca